Terms of Use
It is highly recommended that you review our Terms of Use before purchase. In the event that you do not agree with any one of the terms below, please contact Support to revoke your NON-REFUNDABLE license(s) if any.
Please join our Discord server if you haven't already so that we can resolve automatic reports of T&C violations when one is detected. Otherwise, it may result in a warning, license revocation or blacklist without prior notice.
Section 1: Products
If you have concerns about your privacy while using our products, it is strongly advised that you read sections Information you should know about how we enforce our brandings and What happens when I am reported? thoroughly.
We've wrote our Terms of Use in a simplified way to make them easier to understand. You may contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
What you're allowed to do:
Modify products and use custom models, as long as the existing brandings remain.
Move brandings, but they must remain on the product's surface.
Put your own brandings on products, if you own the No Branding Pass or the product includes the No Branding surcharge. Products on sale on the Creator Store are included.
Resell licenses, but not for more than 50 Robux above the original price.
Make UI modifications, as long as you follow the Terms of Use and donβt change Parent properties. Deleting existing UI elements may cause the system to error, so delete with caution.
What you're not allowed to do:
Deobfuscating or reverse engineering any product.
Removing or changing brandings, unless you own the No Branding Pass.
Claiming ownership of our products unless permitted.
Using counterfeit products without a license.
Using leaked products, especially those resold by others.
Bypassing licensing systems.
Redistributing product files to others, even if they already own the product.
Using products illegally or for unauthorized purposes.
Tampering with products to falsely show poor condition.
Creating negative or unfair content using our products (e.g., bad reviews, false comparisons, defamation).
Posting media to harm sales, boycott, or damage Atelier Group, its sibling companies and/or Elysian's reputation.
Reselling licenses, especially at inflated prices.
Information you should know about how we enforce our brandings
We have detection systems in place to ensure that brandings are not tampered with in a way that is against our Terms of Use. In the event our detection systems identify a potential Terms of Use violation, the experience & its owner will be reported to us for review. Reports consist of the following data:
Experience/community owner's username and user ID
Link to experience
Report reason
Name of product that sent the report OR full path to the branding (eg.
Workspace.Atelier Flux BMS.Controllers.Flux Controller.AtelierBranding
However, our detection systems may also make mistakes and we are willing to work with you to find out and resolve the problem immediately so that your operations aren't disrupted.
What happens when I am reported?
For branding reports
The first few reports that is sent to us is ignored intentionally in case you decide to revert changes you've made to brandings or you've made a mistake.
If an influx of reports are received within an small timeframe or reports are still being sent on the day after, we will attempt to reach out to you for more information, typically within 30 days.
For counterfeit products
We will attempt to reach out to the experience owner or an person who is likely to be able to clarify the situation based on information we have available. If we are unable to contact you, we will blacklist the experience owner.
Questions or concerns? Please don't hesitate to Contact Us.
Last updated